The last few years have left many feeling...

frustrated, impatient, overwhelmed, stressed, angry, lonely, depressed,
fearful, helpless, hopeless?
Are you concerned about seeing these in your team, as well as feeling the heavy mood among your colleagues?
Are you all finding it hard?
A solution might be simpler and more immediate than you imagine!
Meet Sue Jameson and...

Sue Jameson, Joy Activist and Laughter Coach, is an accomplished professional speaker, facilitator and coach. She has studied laughter, joy and happiness for over twenty-five years. Sue has addressed thousands of people, building motivation and inspiring small and large groups with her Joy-on-Call programme, which introduces the transforming power of joy and laughter - especially as an antidote to stress.
From Powerful Seminars to Global Webinars
Thanks to the confinements of anti-Covid measures worldwide, Sue and her team have worked on taking her high-impact workshops and seminars and putting them online. Not only has this become encouragingly successful, but it has also created a truly global phenomenon. Sue’s work is now impacting the lives of people across at least four continents as well as organisations all across the world.

“With billions lost to the economy through stress, and both physical and mental illness, it makes good business sense to make use of Joy-on-Call in your organisation and through it, you can be laughing all the way to the bank.” Sue Jameson
Sue speaks and presents joy and laughter workshops, stress-busting sessions, and training in leading corporations, hospitals, colleges, schools, churches and other organisations. She has worked, in person, in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland, and online in many countries. Sue has featured on TV and radio, and has also produced and presented a radio show called The Joy Ride. She is the founder of the JOYburg™ city transformation initiative and The Joy Revolution.
Benefits and Expected Outcomes
Extensive research has been done on the benefits of laughter. This has been validated both in the workplace and for personal health. What emerges from the science is that laughter is a key element in a powerful transformational process.
The result of the Joy-on-Call webinar is happier, healthier and more productive team members, who are able to manage stress much more effectively.
Organisations and their teams are facing some radical changes in the months and years ahead. Yet, any change in any organisation will fail, unless those needing to change can find compelling hope within themselves. Joy-on-Call can provide that essential catalyst in you and your colleagues.

And this programme will...
enhance team building and wellness initiatives
encourage efficiency and productivity
build motivation and communication skills
improve leadership skills
cultivate innovation and creativity
develop problem-solving skills
increase attention span in training
reduce absenteeism
create a positive work environment
In addition to the benefits above, there are significant personal health benefits for participants, and these will also benefit their families and the community. Studies worldwide have proven the benefits of laughter to the individual. These include…
exercising of the cardiovascular system
strengthening of the immune system
reduction of cholesterol and blood sugar
building stress resistance
controlling blood pressure
easing of abdominal disorders
release of endorphins, which elevate mood and are a natural pain killer
Training: Witrand Psychiatric Hospital
A project for staff at the Witrand Psychiatric Hospital, using the Dynamic Living Programme (DLP) - now known as Joy-on-Call - resulted in significant improvements for both workers, the organisation and patients. The programme was shown to dramatically reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout, boost happiness, and significantly increase productivity and quality of work among some of the most highly stressed people in South Africa.
The graphs below illustrate the responses from staff who were
monitored before and 50 days after initial training...

After a turbulent time...
you deserve more than a respite!
In these challenging times, Joy and Laughter webinars are powerful tools to use in any organisation, for stress-busting, immunity-boosting, barrier-breaking and team building, and can be designed to meet your specific needs.

A Testimonial
Sue Jameson conducted a joy and laughter session at our team meeting at Cowley Road Medical Centre, a GP practice serving 10,000 patients. She conducted this on Microsoft Teams to our whole primary care team consisting of 30 people clinical and non-clinical staff.
During the session, she took us through the science behind why joy and laughter is good for us all. She also encouraged us to participate in some laughter exercises.
It was amazing to feel the difference in the atmosphere of the practice after the session. During the morning before the session and indeed the weeks before, there had been quite a sense of heaviness over the practice, mainly because we have had to deal with difficult situations during the Covid season. However, after the session at lunch time, there was a definite shift in the atmosphere to one of lightness and joy, with more laughter heard around the building.
I am sure we all gave better patient care after the session than we did before.
Alana Fawcett
Testimonial from Andreas Kyrris, GP and Managing Partner
Sue was able to bring incredible warmth and laughter to us during the session. Laughter really is a medicine and we would all do better to up the dose! Taking the time to get in touch with the sunshine inside us lifted the team, bonded us and gave us something positive to think and talk about. I would highly recommend Sue as a facilitator.
What are Sue's formal qualifications?
Sue began her research on laughter in 1997 and trained as a Laughter Coach in 2008. Her work with, and impact on, staff in the Witrand Psychiatric Hospital was a key point in her journey. Since then she has continued studying the effects of joy and laughter on health and wellbeing.
What is Sue's experience?
She has had extensive experience in the transforming benefits of joy and laughter. Her work has come to the attention of new media channels, first in South Africa and now across the world. She is used to speaking to groups across the financial sector, education, government, and healthcare, as well as to leadership teams and faith groups.

Clients who have used Joy-on-Call
Auditor General
Hannover Re
Cowley Road Medical Centre, Oxford UK
Constitutional Court
Southern Sun
Sasfin Bank
Deloitte NMG
World Vision
Tower Bridge
Coca Cola Beverages SA
Retirement Homes
Witrand Psychiatric Hospital
Schools and Colleges
SA Principals Association
Standard Bank
Auto and General
Rand Merchant Bank
Murray and Roberts
Jenna Clifford
University of Pretoria
Churches and Charities
What others are saying...
We have had incredible feedback from our clients. Some of our clients and their employees enjoyed the sessions so much that they asked her back into the office and also asked to have her attend all their branches nationwide with great success.
We can highly recommend Sue. Her work ethic is impeccable, and she is very professional, reliable, and an absolute expert in her field. She really does spread joy across South Africa, and according to us, she is number 1 in the field of laughter therapy and stress release.
Tiana Conradie
Director, Headspace
Specialists in Employee Wellness
Sue has motivated and taught three different workshops for me over the last four years. Her presentations have left the teams inspired and eager to embrace the spirit of happiness.
I highly recommend her services, and I will definitely make use of her services soon.
Debbie de Wet
Brand Manager
Pierre Fabre Laboratories
This training has had the most
impact and value of anything I have done in 20 years in this job!
Participant Comment
Not only was her Laughter Therapy Session highly informative, broadening our knowledge on the effects of stress and how to combat stress, but it was also highly entertaining and a wonderful team building and destressing exercise for the entire staff. She also equipped teachers with techniques to apply in their classrooms to the benefit of their learners’ physical and emotional well-being, as well as improve scholastic results.
It was a fun-filled afternoon, filled with much laughter, practical destressing techniques, team building, the building of relationships and equipping with knowledge.
Estelle van Aardt
Deputy Principal
Benoni Junior School
Sue Jameson, Joy-Activist, has collaborated with the Partners for Possibility Programme over the past two years and has run successful team-building exercises in certain schools on the programme. These have taken the form of “Laughter Therapy” workshops, which have been extremely well received and very effective in the schools.
The workshops have assisted the schools in finding ways to reduce tension and stress levels, improve staff and learner morale, create deeper bonding between staff and learners, and create and maintain positive classroom environments.
In addition to running the workshops in schools, Sue has also spoken at one of our School Leadership Forums on the power that laughter has to reduce stress, release endorphins, and enhance coping skills. She was invited to speak at the 2017 Bafundisa SAPA (South African Principal’s Association) conference on the same topic, where she was very well received.
Jansie Rautenbach, Symphonia for South Africa